Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Interview #1

So for a while now, for a long while actually I have been thinking about how I need to be writing about Ava and how she is growing and changing, something I can do for her so when she’s older she can look back on and enjoy. I can say I’m not a fan of journaling in general. I find it extremely hard to make time, I know that sounds ridiculous, but I would be spending a stupid amount of time deciding what I should write, how I should write it, does this sound good or does that sound better? I mean I am the type of person that if I am writing in pen and make a mistake I can’t just cross it out and continue on, NO, I have to re-write it all. (OCD?) So with that said I frequently read mommy blogs and there is one that particularly like and I feel I can relate too. It’s by Rebecca Woolf. Now just the other day I read one of her entries and she had an interview with her son. I thought that is a great idea. I could do that! Say once a week, ask Ava some questions and jot the interview down. That’s really straight forward, Easy Peasy! The beauty of it is that there is nothing for me to decide or change, I mean I’m already having these types of conversations with Ava so why not just write them down, and who knows maybe once in a while I’ll add in some cute story at the end if I have the time, and at least I will have something to give her, that will show her who she was at 2 or 3 or 5. So the other night Ava and I had our first ‘interview”
Interviewee – Ava Age – 27 Months (2yrs 3mths)
Date – January 6th 2009
Location – Kitchen table
Interviewer – Momma
Momma - What is your name?
Ava - Eva
Momma-Honey, your name is Ava
Ava -I wanna napkin! …stops, tilts her head and says.... Ava?!
Momma- YES!
Momma- How old are you?
Ava -Two
Momma - Good Girl!
Momma -What is your Favourite colour?
Ava- Me! Me Colour!?
Momma- What is your favourite dolly?
Ava- Tinkerbell
Momma - What is your favourite food?
Ava-shrugs shoulders, mumbles something that sounds like snowman and two other words that I have never heard before!
Momma- Okay then!
Momma -What is your favourite drink?
Momma - What is your favourite movie?
Ava- Dunno shrugs shoulders, ….ANNIE!
Momma - What is your Daddy’s name?
Ava- Carlo
Momma- What is your Momma’s name?
Ava- DI
Momma - What is your doggie’s name?
Ava- Bippy
Momma - Whose house did you go to today?
Ava- Dunno shrugs shoulders,Momma’s house?…Christine’s house!
Momma – That’s right.
Momma- Who did you play with today?
Ava- Kaylee….MY baby!
Momma-OH, did Kaylee want to play with your baby?
Ava- Yeah. Whining
Momma - What did you say to Kaylee?
Momma- Can you say your numbers?
Ava- Nope….I got a napkin! Ava laying on me belly!Stretching across the table to reach the reindeer napkins that are left over from Christmas.
Momma - Can you say you’re A.B.C`s?
Ava- Ummm…Nope.

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